Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Matt Diaz' Season Much Better Than Playoff Eliminating Blunder

Braves fans,

It has been a week since the frustrating end to the local nine's playoff aspirations. By now, every Atlanta baseball fan has undoubtedly seen Diaz' critical baserunning mistake that ended the Braves comeback in the ninth.

For those who may be inclined to criticize Diaz be aware that Bobby Cox, and a large plurality of the Braves' clubhouse, consider Matty D. to be the team's best baserunner. Diaz also had one of the team's highest, if not the highest (I need to check the official stats) batting averages all year. Diaz said after the game that he was trying to be aggressive, even anticipating a hard slider in the dirt on which he might be able to tie the game on a pass ball/wild pitch.

Without Matty D. the Braves most likely would not have even been playing in a meaningful game that night. Let me be among those who say to Diaz, "Thanks for all your effort and unselfish play this year and before."

Go Braves!!

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